Since 2020, Mosaic has made grants totaling $26M through 357 grants, inclusive of 660 collaborating partners, who collectively reach nearly 20 percent of the environmental movement’s 30,000 organizations. Their work is helping groups access and share resources, align agendas, and build powerful coalitions to influence local, state, and national policy.
Our strategy
Mosaic’s grantmaking supports four types of movement infrastructure leaders have identified as critical for success: narrative, connection and trust, leadership, and advocacy tools and training. Strengthening these core pillars is expanding groups’ capacity to achieve near-term wins across a range of environmental issues that in turn reinforce the power of collective action and build toward a bigger, more inclusive and influential movement capable of delivering systemic change. Click here to see our full strategic framework.

Narrative: Cultivate and distribute a shared narrative that instills agency and activates individuals, deploying these collective narrative strategies to translate ideas into action and impact.

Leadership: Grow a diverse and representative pipeline of leaders who can shape, co-design, engage on and lead local, regional and national strategies to achieve movement-level goals.

Connection & Trust: Foster strong, collaborative relationships between key environmental actors to develop aligned and strategic approaches while bridging to new constituencies that can further expand the movement, often through coalitions and networks.

Advocacy Tools & Training: Equip organizations and people with the open-source tools and information required to empower and mobilize constituencies towards population-scale action.
Our grants are collaborative in nature, supporting projects that bring together multiple organizations to build shared infrastructure; typically multi-year to support deep trust building; and bridging across issue and organizational silos to connect and uplift climate, conservation, and environmental health and justice fights.
Click each of the following years for a deeper dive into our grantmaking:
Our process
We seek collaborative movement infrastructure proposals from across the country through annual national, open grantmaking processes focused on near-term opportunities that contribute to long-term power. Mosaic's annual grantmaking focus areas are informed by the expertise of our Leadership Council as well as an annual landscaping analysis with our community of advocates, organizers, academics, and funders.

Click here for more information about Mosaic’s 2025 grantmaking cycle.
Our grantees
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