Holistic national movement infrastructure is essential to deliver both near-term environmental wins in the critical next several years and build a bigger, more inclusive and powerful movement capable of durable systems change. Mosaic is the philanthropic partner and field catalyst created specifically and uniquely prepared to deliver on this need. Together with our community of funders, we can achieve our vision of a more sustainable and equitable future with clean air and water, healthy and just communities, and thriving natural systems for all.
What we offer
Mosaic’s value-add to philanthropic efforts as a funding intermediary and field catalyst includes:
Pooling of funding and coordinating aligned funding from across silos to make grants that amplify the impact of philanthropic investments system-wide. Our laser focus on funding connective tissue enables greater innovation, collaboration, alignment and effectiveness of environmental and climate advocates at all levels, from the local to the national.
Facilitation of collaborative, cross-sector leadership for the movement through our Leadership Council and an open grantmaking process that catalyzes collaborative projects and relationships;
Specialized knowledge of field needs rooted in data and expertise of diverse movement leaders that informs Mosaic’s grantmaking and other philanthropic, governmental, and civil society efforts.
Rigorous learning and evaluation process that helps identify the most powerful levers for advancing climate progress and informs effective grantmaking practices field-wide.

Our funding partners
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
The David Rockefeller Fund
The Keith Campbell Foundation for the Environment
The Rob Walton Foundation
Laural Foundation
NorthLight Foundation
The Overbrook Foundation
Pisces Foundation
Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Tides Foundation
Walton Family Foundation
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
Mosaic is fiscally sponsored by Tides Center, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gift may be tax deductible pursuant to §170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please visit for additional information.