Mosaic’s Commitment to Justice, Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity

Mosaic is a national initiative strengthening field-wide movement infrastructure that supports people working to ensure clean air and water, a safe climate, healthy and just communities for all, and thriving natural systems. Mosaic invests in tools that organizations can share like communications, advocacy tools and training, leadership development, field knowledge, backbone services, and networks to enable a more connected, powerful, just, and inclusive environmental movement. This statement lays out Mosaic’s commitment to justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity in our grantmaking, governance, communications, and broader operations.

Mosaic’s diverse Governance Assembly, which includes a super-majority of NGO and grassroots representatives working together with funder participants, leads Mosaic and makes grant decisions. In all activities and relationships, Mosaic seeks to be Just (addressing inequity, racism, and their past and current impacts); Inclusive & Equitable (advancing priorities equitably while engaging the full breadth of the environmental movement); Co-creative (sharing power and agency); Complementary (amplifying the work of others); Adaptive (adjusting based on feedback and experiences); and Transformative (unlocking systems-level opportunities).

Deep racial and economic inequities exist in the movement and society at large. Within philanthropy, approximately 95% of historic and existing grantmaking dollars have gone to white organizations (including many led by white, heterosexual, cisgender men). We believe that building grassroots power is key to systemic and transformational change. Recent experience confirms that not only the most equitable, but also the most successful, effective, and durable environmental policy solutions are emerging from the communities most directly and significantly impacted by the problems. For Mosaic to succeed, we must be part of ensuring the environmental movement is equitable, inclusive, and free of racism and its impacts on people and organizations. This fundamental commitment, backed by significant, long-term action to break past patterns and forge new ones, will help ensure the movement is supported by the best ideas, builds robust capacity, and brings to bear the greatest power. Therefore, Mosaic is committed to contributing to building a more connected, effective, inclusive & just environmental movement by directing significant resources to BIPOC, low-income, women, LGBTQ+, environmental justice, rural, immigrant, and other socially & economically disadvantaged movement members.

As we center equity in all aspects of our work, Mosaic is committed to building and supporting connections, collaborations, and shared resources across the full breadth of the environmental field in all its richness and diversity. This includes supporting and building bridges between organizations and approaches that reflect the full political, geographic, economic, social, sectoral, and issue area diversity of the environmental movement.